We work hard to make students feel part of an energetic and fun community.
Transitioning to college can be daunting, but the Wharton cohort system provides you with a supportive, small community of students that you get to know through a variety of shared experiences.
students per cohort
First Year
During the first year, each cohort of approximately 60 students is led by upper-level student cohort directors, who plan activities for the group and encourage members to get to know one another.
Each cohort will take Wharton 1010: Business and You together in the fall semester. First-years also participate in cohort activities, such as the Cohort Cup competition, a scavenger hunt, the Winter Whartonland gingerbread-house competition, and movie nights.
In addition to your cohort directors, all first-years have the opportunity to be paired with a cohort mentor, an upper-level student who serves as a peer mentor and friend.