A concentration allows you to specialize in a business area of your choice.
All Wharton students graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Economics, but students choose focused areas of study called concentrations.
Follow Your Interests
As part of the Bachelor of Science in Economics, Wharton students choose a focused areas of study called a concentration. Because we have so many professors and departments, students can choose from over 18 concentrations, or they can work with a professor to create a unique concentration.
Since concentrations are just four courses, it’s easy for students to add or change them or do a second one. You have a lot of flexibility and time to decide what you are passionate about, and there are advisors, students, and faculty to help you through the process of figuring it all out.
Click on a concentration for detailed information.
Environmental, Social and Governance Factors for Business¹
Specializations in:
Business, Energy, Environment and Sustainability;
Social and Governance
Specializations in:
Multinational Management, Organizational Effectiveness, Strategic Management
Operations, Information & Decisions¹
Tracks in:
Decision Processes, Information Systems, Operations Management/Management Science
¹ Denotes STEM-designated concentration that will offer extended OPT to students with F1 visas.
² Denotes a secondary concentration, meaning that students will also need to have another concentration.
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